Why are we here? What does evangelism have to do with it?
What does the Bible have to say?
Old Testament
Gen 1-2 (Creation)
Genesis 1:26-28
Gen 3 (The Fall)
Broken relationships
Genesis 11 epitome of The Fall, an anti mission
Genesis 12 (God’s Covenant with Abraham)
We are blessed to be a blessing!
Repeated in:
Gen 12:3 (To Abraham)
Gen 18:18 (To Abraham)
Gen 22:17,18 (To Abraham)
Gen 26:4,5 (To Isaac)
Gen 28:14 (To Jacob)
New Testament
Luke 4:16-21
Matthew 28:19-20
2 Corinthians 5:18
Biblical Overview:
Old Testament- Messiah is coming
New Testament- Messiah has come
Our Salvation is Linked to God’s Promise
“He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus” –Gal 3:14
What is the Gospel?
People think the Gospel is Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. That’s part of it, but The Gospel is the Kingdom. The reign, the rule of God. God is the God of the whole earth and every aspect of society.
What Causes the Gospel to Spread?
People don’t do what they hear people say, they do what they see people do. Modeling is the most powerful form of discipleship.
Ride the waves that God brings (Surfboard illustration). This is God’s mission: we are just the messenger. God is already working in people; we are tasked to go talk to them. Romans 10:14-17
“One on one is how it’s done.”
Evangelism Methods: The Four Fields
Luke 10. It is every Believer's responsibility to find the next lost person. This is a 24/7 job.
Field 1 – How do I begin a new work?
Find a person of peace
Speak peace, if peace is returned that’s the next person. Don’t force-feed people the truth that doesn’t want the truth.
God is working in people. Our job is to go talk to them.
Field 2 – What do I say?
Time for evangelism! Find the pieces of the gospel that God has already implanted there.
Bridge Illustration
Your Testimony
Can you share your testimony in 3 minutes?
Using 3 words that describe who you were before Christ, then how you came to know Christ and 3 words that describe you in Christ.
Field 3 – How do I make reproducing disciples?
Get them to practice their faith.
7 Commands:
Repent and believe
Be Baptized
Love one another
Go and make disciples
Obverse the Lord’s table
Give (help those who can’t help themselves)
Field 4 – How do I form a new Group?
Engage with others relationally. Invite them to participate in worshipping God by attending a worship service and reading the Bible.
DBS (Discovery Bible Study)
Read a passage of Scripture and ask:
What does this say about God?
What does this say about man?
What does God want me to do?
Go and tell the world
Memory Verses
John 5: 24 | Assurance of Salvation
John 16:24 | Assurance of Answered Prayer
1 Corinthians 10:13 | Assurance of Victory
1 John 1:9 | Assurance of Forgiveness
Proverbs 3:5-6 | Assurance of Guidance
Romans 3:23 | All Have Sinned
Romans 6:23 | Sins Penalty
Romans 5:8 | Christ Paid the Penalty
Ephesians 2:8-9 | Salvation Not by Works
John 1:12 | Must Receive Christ
Romans 10:9-10 | Salvation
1 John 5:13 | Assurance of Salvation
2 Corinthians 5:17 | Christ the Center
Romans 12:1 | Obedience to Christ
2 Timothy 3:16 | Word is God-breathed
John 15:7 | Prayer
1 John 1:3 | Fellowship
Matthew 4:19 | Witnessing